Al-Ameen College of Law ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process.
Al-Ameen College of Law a Minority Institution affiliated to Karnataka State law University Navanagar- Hubballi- Karnataka and follows the curricula prescribed by the University. The College ensures effective Academic Committee, Calendar of Events Committee, IQAC, and Time Table Committee prepares the academic calendar of the college and also the concerned Committee prepare their academic calendars to input in the college final calendar. The academic calendar specifies suitable available dates and months for significant academic and other activities. The faculty members are briefed on the academic activities of the college on the first meeting of the commencement of every academic year and there will be inauguration of academic activities and release of calendar of events every year. Meetings are held in regularly to discuss about the course distribution for the academic sessions every year. Based on the expertise and interest of individual teacher, the subjects and the activities are allotted to them by the Principal . Every committee prepares teaching plan, allotting term-wise topics to be taught. Syllabus of each subject for the academic session is provided to the students. Faculty members prepare semester-wise teaching plan for the timetable. Teachers conduct classes according to the timetable. Academic Committee meetings are held periodically to review the syllabus completed. For the effective transmission and delivery of curricula, departments integrate classroom teaching with various ICT tools, internships, students seminars, tutorials, question papers solving, practical trainings, field survey, etc. For the effective curriculum delivery teachers also use participative, problem solving , cooperative and student-centric learning methods. Classroom teaching is supplemented with seminars, workshops, special lectures, group discussions, Tutorials, Use of projectors, law Quiz, paper presentation by the students, group assignments, educational tours, field trips and industrial visits for effective delivery of curriculum, which are done in a planned manner. Records are maintained by each students. For the up-gradation of subject-related knowledge, college organizes seminars, conferences, and workshops on important law related topics and national issues. This activity provides a platform to the faculty and the students to participate and interact with experts in legal fields, legal luminaries and enrich and update their subject knowledge.
Faculties effectively and creatively use PPTs, for delivering the subject knowledge. The college organizes guest lectures, expert lectures of eminent academicians, for the effective curriculum delivery. College also provides special guidance to the slow learners by organizing remedial classes . Besides this, the college has a mentoring system for academic-related issues. College library is digitalized. Al-Ameen College of Law Library provides British Library INFLIBNET, e-journals, OPEC, Book Bank facility etc. College library is very enriched having a good collection of books. Reading facility is also available for teachers and students to facilitate the teaching learning process. Al-Ameen College of Law provides internet connectivity with campus Wi-Fi facility to the teachers for effective teaching-learning.
All Internal Examinations Unit Tests and Class tests are conducted to check whether the students have acquired knowledge as outlined in the objectives of the curriculum. All examinations are conducted according to the Academic Calendar and University Calendar. Classes, Special Classes are held regularly to monitor the progress of the students. Remedial/ Special/classes are conducted for low achievers. Advance learners are made to solve University Question papers and efforts are made by the teachers to improve their performance. Record of the regular attendance, mark lists and progress of the students are maintained and preserved by the respective teachers will be always discussed with the principal and parents through parents teacher meetings.
The college organizes and encourages faculty members to attend Orientation/Refresher courses, workshops and present papers in seminars conducted by the affiliating college of law university and other Universities for acquiring necessary skills for effective delivery of the curriculum. It is been mandatory to the teachers to submit Photo copies of the Certificates of the above courses are provided by faculty members to IQAC for documentation.
College will always collect the feedback at the end of every academic year, feedback from teachers, students, non-teaching staff and guardian is collected by IQAC in coordination with feedback committee, it is then analyzed and analysis report is communicated to the students.
- The institution adheres to the academic calendar
Al-Ameen college of Law adheres to the academic calendar provided by KSLU University Hubballi for the conduction of continuous internal evaluation system. Al-Ameen College of Law has a well-defined standard operating procedure to develop the academic teaching plans and it follows a well-defined academic calendar. Every Year we Prepare the academic calendar which immensely contributes to achieving this. The Academic Calendar helps as a source of information and planner for students, faculty, staff, and the parents also. It encompasses all the processes of the college such as, the Student section, Administrative, Academic, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and it defines the committees of the college. The IQAC ensures the strict implementation of the Academic Calendar by monitoring activities. Implementing gaps are reviewed periodically. The status of checkpoints and gaps identified in monitoring are conveyed to the Principal for the necessary implementation.
Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following academic bodies during the last five years
The university has given the students an option to select the subjects of their choices to study. The student can select the subjects according to their interest
Al-Ameen College of Law integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, legal issues and Sustainability into the Curriculum. Being an affiliated college, Al-Ameen College of Law meticulously follows the curriculum prescribed by the university. The university integrates subjects relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the curriculum. These issues are addressed by the curriculum itself and they are effectively transacted to the students both in the classroom and outside.
College obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the following stakeholders
1) Students
2) Teachers